Morag Tong Master Assassin Armor (PS4, Xbox One) Note: the set is made for only male character models. Witcher 3 Viper Armor lets you run around in the Viper school garb of Geralt, the protagonist of the hit RPG, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Witcher 3 Viper Armor (PC, Xbox One) Best Skyrim Armor Mods It’s one of the best mods you can download if you have a magic build. Armored Robes (PlayStation 4, Xbox One)Īrmored Robes is another great mod for mages, adding robes with armor ratings to your crafting options. Cons: the helmet does not always seem to work on Argonians y Khajiit. It may be time to take up the Ebony Archmage armor set y let Tamriel know who’s boss. It’s hard to feel like a badass mage in Skyrim, given you’ll be walking around in nothing but cloth. Ebony Archmage Armor (PC, Xbox One) Best Skyrim Armor Mods Now you can wield the mythical Skyforge to create stronger versions of Dragonplate armor (y Dragonbone weapons, if you’re into that too). Skyforge Dragonbone Weapons y Dragonplate Armor (PC, PS4, Xbox One) This set is light armor with Dragonscale-level stats, y works for male y female characters.

With Nazgul Armor, you can dress as the villainous Lord of the Rings riders. Nazgul Armor (Xbox One) Best Skyrim Armor Mods

Between those pieces y various color options, there’re 122 new items to try out. These are not over powered and fit nicely into the game.This mod adds Ashara Princes of the Woods armor to Skyrim through 17 different armor pieces, 6 fur complements, y 8 wigs. Finally, Nico's Craftable Arrows adds craftable arrows to the game.Unique Bows Collection, Svartbough and Bow of Shadows all add beautiful new bows to Skyrim.

Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows allows you to have longer arrows if you want, as well as making the quiver look like it is actually on your back rather than floating behind it.Skyforge weapons upgrades the appearance of all weapons that can be crafted at the Skyforge.Lore Weapon Expansion adds weapons from previous Elder Scrolls games (Morrowind and Oblivion).Unique Uniques loving makes all the unique weapons in Skyrim look beautiful and well, unique.Weapons of the Third Era MoS edition adds more very high quality weapon texture replacers.JaySuS Swords adds some of the most beautiful weapons I have seen to Skyrim.Then we looked at Immersive Weapons which adds more than 200 new weapons to your game.Firstly, we looked at aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons by CaBaL which improved the look of all vanilla weapon.Along the way, we have fixed a graphical bug where your quiver did not sit properly and also made it so that your left handed weapon is visible when sheathed. Today we have looked at some of the best mods available to improve the appearance of all vanilla weapons and also add more lore friendly weapons to your game.